A Horrifying History: Pictures Of Propaganda From Hitler’s Germany

Hitler Recruited Young Children For His War


Source: master-of-education

This poster shows a young Aryan boy who is looking up to an authoritative imprint of Hitler, who seems to be in an almost God-like state. The message of this poster is that children as young as ten years old should serve their leader by joining the Nazis. Hitler believed they should get in as early as possible — hence the formation of the Hitler Youth. Children entered with all of the innocence in the world but were soon brainwashed by Hitler’s devout followers. The propaganda was a huge success. In January 1933, the Hitler Youth had only 50,000 members and by the end of the year, that figure had increased to more than 2 million. Joining the Hitler Youth became mandatory in 1939, at which point it already had 5.4 million members.